Wednesday, March 10, 2010

How did this happen? in the heck did I get to be almost 40? I swear I just turned 25 about three birthdays ago. I actually said today "when I was in second grade over 30 years ago..." It shocked me. Completely!

I this think blog is an attempt to make sense of where I am and where I want to be in the next decade. In the next decade I will watch my stepchildren go to college (God willing!) and begin their adult lives. I will watch my oldest daughter begin college (God willing not the Univ. of Fla) and my youngest daughter begin high school. Those are very big life changes and I feel completely overwhelmed just typing them, let alone living them!

In my life I found a man that makes me happy, pisses me off, thrills me, makes me explode with frustration and loves me. Quite a combination! I learned through marriage number one that no marriage is a fairytale and marriage number two is no exception to that rule. This time around I approached marriage with a greater space for faults and realistic expectations of a man. If I wanted the emotional output of a woman I would have married a woman or a spineless man. Neither sound possible...

My this time I'm beginning to deal with the fact that I'm not destined for fame or glamour. I'm not really destined to crack six figures in my lifetime in the salary department. Following my passion and giving to another generation the important tools to move our planet forward in a positive direction...priceless...too bad the salary doesn't match the impact! Such is life...