Sunday, March 18, 2012

Everything was going so well...

...and then the pipe burst!

I was so ahead of the cooking game. Prepping dinner and getting ready to move on to weekly breakfast cooking when a yell came up from the crawl space. Seeing as how it is crazy hot here in Atlanta already, the hubs was under the house changing the air filter. Three cheers for testosterone! Hubs was yelling because the water I was sending down the drain was spewing all over the undercarriage of the house due to a burst pipe.

The Little House on the Prairie method of collecting water in a bowl so it doesn't go down the drain did not leave much opportunity for breakfast cooking or the complex task of washing kale from the garden. No breakfast and no clean kale...

Fingers crossed for plumber magic so dinner can happen!

Here's what the week looks like...assuming there is a full functioning sink...


Spinach and feta pie

Roasted new potatoes


Hawaiian crockpot chicken

Brown rice



Grilled veggies

Quinoa Salad


Dinner out when the in-laws come in town


Arugula salad with feta

Slow cooker Spanish chicken


Tacos with refried beans and corn


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